Maras Salt Mines & Moray with Chinchero Excursion
We'll get ready to our first visit of the day to Moray Terraces. Mostly consisting of several enormous terraced circular depressions, the largest of which is about 100 meters deep. but their depth and orientation with respect to wind and sun creates a temperature difference. This large temperature difference was possibly used by the Inca to study different climatic conditions on crops. Moray was perhaps an Inca agricultural experiment station, it also got a sophisticated irrigation system.
Continue our day visiting Maras Salt Mines. During the pre-Incas time, salt has been obtained in Maras by evaporating of salty water. The highly salty water has been flowing from this nearby stream for hundreds of years. As the salt water becomes supersaturated, salt crystals begin precipitating out of the water. The farmers then scrape the salt to the side and collect it once a sizable amount has been gathered. There are more than 3,000 salt-pools.
7 hours